Exhibit Genie

Manage exhibits for any proceeding--trial, depo, hearing or just an affidavit--with ease and 100% accuracy and control.

Order and Reorder

Upload as many exhibits as you want, then click and drag to reorder. Adjust your exhibit order effortlessly until it is perfect.

Add or Remove Exhibits

Upload additional exhibits to your set whenever you want. Remove unneeded exhibits with the click of a button.

Shape your testimony

Plan your testimony by designating which witnesses will testify to each exhibit. Add notes to shape your testimony.


Effortlessly manage all your exhibits in one place, ensuring you can quickly find what you need when you need it.

Flawless Exhibit List

Exhibit Genie generates a perfect, Excel-compatible Exhibit List ready for filing or using as an index. You also get an attorney-only list with your witnesses and notes.

Print-ready Exhibit Set

Download a complete set of PDF Exhibits, labeled and page-numbered, and renamed "Exhibit 1." Your exhibits are ready for error-free printing, upload, and use in court.

Print Exhibit Binders

With the click of a button, order printed binders from a legal printer to be delivered to your office or the court.
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Easy uploads.

Adding exhibits to your set has never been easier. Upload as many documents as you want with our click-and-drag interface. Our system will accept any type of file, and will convert your documents to PDF. Audio or video files will be included in the Exhibit set and the index. If you use consolidated deposition exhibits, you can add more exhibits after each deposition to keep a running list and complete set of print-ready exhibits.

Print-ready output files.

Exhibit Genie provides you with print-ready output files that are meticulously named, ordered, and labeled. These files are designed for seamless printing and include an index that can be used as a print manifest or a cover sheet for your exhibit binder. Ensure your exhibits are always presented in a professional and organized manner.

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Print with ease.

Click "Order Print" to send your exhibit list and complete set of print-ready exhibits to a legal print service. You will receive a custom quote to print the set to your specifications, i.e., number of sets of binders, binder size, color vs. B&W, or any other special instructions. Your completed printed set will be shipped to your office or wherever you direct.

Eliminate stress and chaos.

With Exhibit Genie, notoriously stressful trial prep and depo prep becomes organized and painless. Eliminate the disconnect between your testimony plan and the logistics of keeping a correct--and consistent--exhibit list and set of print-ready exhibits. Focus on winning your case while we handle the logistics.